1989年,為了抗議政府縱容財團炒作而使房地產價格狂飆,《無住屋者團結組織》號召了四、五萬人一齊在市區地價最高昂的忠孝東路上過夜。隨後一年內,此運動團體中的成員醞釀了兩個不同性質卻同樣具有都市社會關懷的組織:《專業者都市改革組織》(Organization of Urban Re-s, OURs) 以及《崔媽媽服務中心》(目前已升級為崔媽媽基金會)。
《專業者都市改革組織》,簡稱OURs,Re-s代表著Re-design、Re-plan、Re-build、Review、Revolution等意涵。OURs是台灣第一個以都市空間改造、政策議題批判為主軸的非政府組織、非營利組織(NGO & NPO),集結了群走出學院,具有社會關懷傾向的建築、地景、都市計畫,以及其他相關的專業者,期望以集體力量推動台灣都市實質環境改善。 都市環境的使用價值是OURs持續關切的重心,在面對都市開發、都市更新、歷史保存等各類都市課題時,OURs以歷史的、生態的、關心社會弱勢群體的視野出發,期以透過政策辯論、團結相關專業者及社會人士,並基於社會正義與公平之理想,本著民主、理性、和平之原則,協助政府及人民改善都市問題,並促進全民公平合理使用都市空間的權利。
“The Organization of Urban Re-s”, OURs
In 1989, some socially oriented professionals, Architecture, urban planning, and other fields, came together to devote themselves to the promotion of urban reformation in Taiwan. In March of 1992, they registered as a legal association. Their main work has been to help urban inhabitants to solve their own community problems. They called themselves “the Organization of Urban Re-s”, OURs for short.
OURs hold three main beliefs and principles:
- Spontaneous organization: With shared values and common goals, our members are spontaneously organized. The funding is basically from donations of general citizens and professionals, and also from contract work for public agencies.
- Community based reform actions: We are willing to participate and help any community-action promoted by a group or individual. We hope to actively raise the level of reform and to promote urban policy changes in a collective way.
- Union between professionals and citizens: To break down professional division of labor, and to learn from citizens, we seek to provide a context for a union between professionals and citizens, where mutual learning and support con flourish.