訪問時間:留住一切親愛的 2014某一天 地點:新馬德里機場 採訪:黃孫權 王岩 拍攝剪輯:馬弛原 白清文
The BGVS and other organisations in the All India People’s Science Network like Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad, have over the past 50 years created tremendous work in the area of social justice they have a created of movement correlated with People’s Science Movement and within this PSM, they have created work related to the development of literacy, the development of social justice, the development of health issues, popularisation of science, eradication of superstitions, and women empowerment, women entrepreneurship, skills upgradation; And they have had millions of volunteers over the past 50 years, who have contributed a lot of work in coming up with policies both with the government and against the government when government has come up with wrong policies. And they have done all these work as a single social organisation to develop the lives of the people of India.
五十年來,全印度人民科學聯盟(AIPSN)下屬的印度學習與科學組織(BGVS) 和其他組織在促進社會公正方面做了大量的工作,同時這也催生了與全民科學運動相關的其他運動。在人民科學運動體系內,他們也做了很多工作,其中包括掃除文盲、促進社會公正、發展健康事業、普及科學、消除迷信、婦女賦權及創業、提升技能技術等。在過去的五十年里,數以百萬的志願者為推動組織的發展做出巨大貢獻,一方面他們跟政府部門通力合作制定政策,另一方面,當政府政策出現失誤時,他們也會勇敢的站出來反對政府。這些組織機構通力協作,謀求為印度人民帶來更多福祉。
The team of Multitude.Asia, that is Professor Huang, Yan Wang, Bai and Ma have made sincere attempt at understanding……The team of Multitude.Asia, that is Professor Huang, Yan Wang, Bai and Ma have made a sincere attempt at covering the entire projects, programs that being done by BGVS, AIPSN, and the whole People’s Science Movement and they have interviewed some legendary people like Doctor M. P. Parameswaran, Dr. D. Raghunandan, then Ms. Asha Misra, as well as they have gone to four cities in India namely Delhi, Palakkad in Kerala, Jaipur in Rajasthan, and Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, and nearby towns and villages, and visited programs where people are actually being supported to create better education, better health facilities, better women entrepreneurship project. We have had the opportunity to meet a project called Hunar in Jaipur, which where around 25-30 women work to create products and become self-employed, as well as, we also had this opportunity to meet a group of 3 teenage girls who went against the government, fought with the government to open school in their village, to help educate poor kids who could not afford to go to schools, and who end up dropping out of schools even if they did go to them.
由黃孫權教授, 王岩, 白清文和馬原馳這幾位組成的「諸眾之貌」小組已經嘗試著去瞭解、報道、記錄由這些組織進行的全部項目和工程。他們也採訪了一些具有傳奇色彩的人物,如 M. P. Parameswaran,和Dr. D. Raghunandan,博士 ,還有Asha Misra女士。 他們還去了印度的四個城市分別是德里,喀拉拉邦的伯拉卡德縣,拉賈斯坦邦的齋蒲爾,中央邦的博帕爾以及周邊的村鎮。除此之外,他們還參觀了一些項目,在這些項目中,人們能接受更好的教育,獲取醫療器械援助,同時還有婦女創業項目。我們也有機會去瞭解一下在齋蒲爾開展的Hunar 項目,在這個項目中,大約25到30個婦女通過自己生產產品成為個體經營戶。同樣,我們也有機會與三個十幾歲的女生見面,她們反抗和呼籲政府,並敦促政府建立起學校來,讓那些貧困或者輟學的學生能夠接受教育。

The team of Multitude.Asia has created a wonderful documentary, and we would like and we would like your support in trying to finish the documentary, and try to create the awareness about the programs, which has been done by the organisations, in the People’s Science Movement, namely, BGVS, AIPSN, KSSP and others, as well as millions of volunteers who have worked over the past 50 years, and hundreds of millions of people who have been affected by and continue being affected by the good projects and the programs which are being done by the BGVS and People’s Science Movement.
「諸眾之貌」小組已經製作了一個精彩的紀錄片,我們也希望通過您的支持來完成這個紀錄片,並且提高公眾對這些項目的全面認識。這些活動都是由人民科學運動下屬的印度學習與科學組織 , 全印度人民科學聯盟, 克拉拉邦民眾科學運動(KSSP)等其他組織開展的。過去的五十年來,數以百萬的志願投身到這些項目中。由印度學習與科學組織和人民科學運動帶頭的各類工程項目也造福了並將繼續造福印度人民。
The Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti and other organisations of All India People’s Science Network, namely Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad, have over the past 50 years created tremendous social work, and created social change in India, especially in the fields of literacy, education, women empowerment, women entrepreneurship, health issues, popularisation of science and others.
They’ve had millions of volunteers who have spent decades of their lives in creating these programs as well as working with the government to come up with policies, to help promote the welfare of people as well as fighting against the government to change policies which would be much more harmful to the people of India.
Now the whole documentary has been created to promote awareness about the policies and the programs of BGVS and the PSM, as well as to create the awareness about the people who have worked there and the kind of work that has been happening through these programs and policies.
Now we would like your help to finish this documentary and present it to the world to create the awareness about all these people, and the projects they have done, the policies they have created, and the hundreds of millions of people that have helped in India.
Thank you.
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