IRTC is a set of initiatives that cross intellectual borders to sharpen ways to inquire new methods of technology for a better lndia. Our efforts aim to build fresh ties between science and humanity, through the dissemination of knowledge. Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Mundur, Palakkad is a research, development and training centre set up by Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad (KSSP) which is the premier people’s science movement in the country. It was about this time that the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, came forward to provide Core Support Grant to set up such a Centre under the STARD Programme of their Science and Society Division. Thus was IRTC born, in 1987. It was registered as a separate autonomous institution in 1995. (cited from IRTC website)
IRTC 是跨知識社群而能為更好的印度探尋技術新方法的組織。目標在於透過知識的普及建立技術與人文的連結。IRTC是由KSSP成立的研究和訓練中心,KSSP是全印度人民科學運動的首創者。誕生於1987年,也就是印度科學與技術部提供資金協助成立的時刻。從1995年開始登記成為一個獨立的研究機構。(介紹取自IRTC網站)
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