Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series V:Ashish Rajadhyaksha
The Asian “Committed” Documentary
講者/Speaker:Ashish Rajadhyaksha
About the lecture/演講簡介:
“Why do documentary filmmakers keep trying to change the world?”, asks Jane Gaines, and suggests that the opposite question may well be equally, why do people who want to change the world keep making documentaries?
This lecture is a walk-through using as a catalyst the work of three major Asian filmmakers, all women: Singapore’s Tan Pin Pin, India’s Deepa Dhanraj and Hong Kong’s Tammy Cheung. We will use their work, and their concerns, as a springboard to explore the way the concept of the ‘committed’ documentary has developed in recent years in Asia. We shall explore a form sometimes turns the famous ‘observational mode’ of documentary cinema on its head, to produce what Gaines has called a ‘political mimesis’.
「為什麼紀錄片導演老是試圖要改變世界?」Jane Gaines曾如此問道,並認為問題也可以反過來問:為什麼想要改變世界的人,老是在拍紀錄片?
本場演講以三位亞洲女性導演的作品為媒介,包括新加坡的陳彬彬(Tan Pin Pin)(on Vimeo,印度的Deepa Dhanraj(訪談,IMDB作品),以及香港的張虹(Tammy Cheung),給觀眾一個輪廓。我們將藉由她們的作品與關切,探索「以改革為念的紀錄片」這樣的概念如何在近年的亞洲地區逐步發展。我們將探討一種形式,這樣的形式有時候將著名的紀錄片「觀察者模式」倒轉過來,產生Jane Gaines稱之為「政治性的擬真」。
講者簡介/Notes on speaker:
Ashish Rajadhyaksha is an independent writer and researcher based in Bangalore. He is the co-editor (with Paul Willemen) of the Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema (1999) and author of Indian Cinema in the Time of Celluloid: from Bollywood to the Emergency (2009).
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